Thursday, February 10, 2011


So...we were in the ER on Friday again. This time it was actually for an "accident" and not someone being sick finally. We rarely get these trips thank God but since we knew Addison was ok, it was something to laugh at afterwards.

Well Josh called me at work and said Addison fell on her head and he wanted to know what I wanted him to do. I asked what happened first. Josh will shoot me for saying all this but it's one of those "funny dad moments." LOL He was trying to put Addison's car seat in the car, there was something in his way and (I'm guessing) since it was muddy, he didn't want to put her car seat in the he put it on top of the car. Yeah I know... So she fell off of the car (in her seat) and landed on her head. He brought her to me and we went to the ER. She was perfectly fine and playing when he got here. Even behaved perfectly in the ER the entire time. They did a CT scan of her head to make sure everything was ok...yeah she didn't like that part AT ALL. We were standing in xray while they were getting ready to see her and the xray tech said, "has she complained of dizziness and fatigue?" I looked at Josh, then at Addison, then at the tech and said "she's 9 months old, she's not gonna talk." Duh! He started laughing. Apparently, he was just being funny. :) Everything came out fine tho and now she has her 1st road rash. I'm sure with the 3 brothers and 1 older sister, she's eventually going to have worse than this. LOL

Jacob of course fell down a flight of stairs on his 1st birthday and has hurt himself several times playing baseball. Eli is my easy going on...he only swallows quarters. LOL

This is actually her being "her." She's crawling now and I sat her in the floor to fix something to eat and within 2 minutes she had picked up the dog's water bowl and poured it on herself then crawled to the table and I found her like this. She slid under the chair and couldn't get back out. (Of course I had to laugh and take a pic before I helped her. LOL)

1 comment:

  1. oh bless!! so glad she's ok! scary for mommy (and baby!) I'm sure!
