Monday, March 21, 2011

Disney World 2011

Disney World was AMAZING! The kids behaved for the most part, the ride to and from Florida wasn't bad, and we had an awesome time. Addison wasn't fussy AT ALL, the kids behaved in the car the whole way there (and even slept most of the time), the food was good, everyone loved the rides, the kids are doing really good together, Jacob had zero mood swings, Eli kept losing his pants lol, it was all around a perfect family trip.

We left at 3:30am on Saturday morning. The kids slept the whole way til we stopped in Georgia to eat breakfast. Then (I think) they pretty much stayed awake the rest of the time and played with toys. Since they behaved, it didn't really feel like a 12 hour drive. Saturday night we went to Downtown Disney for supper and hung around. Sunday we went to Walmart and to eat and checked out mom & dad's hotel and then went back to Downtown Disney. Monday we went to Magic Kingdom all day (I'm talking til like midnight...all day!) Josh started feeling sick after he would eat so we took things slow for the first day or so. Tuesday we went to Epcot (which Daddy hated but our group actually enjoyed it.) Wednesday was Universal Studios and Thursday was lazy day by the pool. Friday we headed back and Saturday we made it home. I'll do more explaining with the pictures. :)I'm obviously not adding all of them but these are some of the best!
This is Addison mapping out our trip to Disney World. :)
Daddy and Chuck Norris' hands.
This is Addison's face when we caught her stealing pizza off Blake's plate. :)
Not liking the Mickey Mouse ears at all.
They tried to look "serious."
Chillin at the man made beach at Caribbean Beach Resort.
All the kids.
This is a lady dressed up. She looked AMAZING!
Harley Shop at Downtown Disney
"It's A Small World ride"
Daddy and Addison on "It's A Small World"
Buzz Lightyear ride. This picture is hilarious!
Excalibur sword. Carousel behind it messed up my pictures. :(
Me & Addison waiting in line at Epcot
Mickey Mouse!!!
Me, Addison, and Mickey
Daddy & Minnie Mouse
Outside our hotel. It was themed for the 70s, 80s, and 90s.
One of the figures on the property of the hotel.
Margaritaville just as you walk into Universal Studios. Guess they think you should get drunk first. LOL
Just one of the several pics with some of the characters in Universal.
Wizarding World of Harry didn't get to check this all out as much as I wanted to. :( We were WAY to busy.
On the ride back we stopped half way in Georgia. They were all tuckered out. That's 4 kids under there if you can see them. LOL

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