Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter 2011

Well we started Easter off right this year with a trip to the ER. LOL We were in the ER Saturday night because Addison swallowed something (not sure exactly what yet) and we had to go back on Sunday morning to see if she was starting to pass the "foreign body" yet or not. So we're sitting in the ER and Addison decides to scratch me. So I grab her baby (clip proof supposedly) baby clippers. I got her finger of course. She starts bleeding like crazy. So I ask the ER desk nurse for a band aid. They have none. It's a stinkin ER and they have no band aids! So she gives me a gauze (no tape) and I rig her up with a piece of gauze and hold it on there with the sticker that traige gave her to play with. Get her (and me) cleaned up, get an xray (it's passing thru but slowly), get told she'll poop it out then leave. Nice start...

Then we head to our first stop for Easter which is Josh's family's church for lunch. Josh's mom is feeding Addison her baby food when I notice on the back of the jar it says it has milk in it. Nice! So not long after she eats she has diarrhea which wasn't so bad since we've been doing really good lately with cutting out the milk. Anyways. The kids get ready to go hunt eggs and Addison gets about one egg and we go inside (which she could have cared less) then Josh's oldest is having breathing problems. That's 2 people now. (It keeps going...) So me and Addison head to Steve and Robin's while Josh heads to the ER with Gabe.

At Steve and Robin's we eat again (LOL) and actually get a partial family picture with the Gouge's. (Minus Traci, Andrew, and their clans. :() Then I get a call saying they took Josh's mom to the ER. 3 strikes! So I go to another hospital after Easter at Steve and Robin's.

I only had the boys about 2 hours because it was Jonathan's weekend so I only got to spend enough time with them to give them their presents then they took off to play with the others. Go figure. :)

THEN last night I get on facebook and realize my cousin Jennifer is in labor and apparently having a c-section. Somehow I didn't know this until I read it on facebook. LOL She ended up having another Gouge baby boy. 19 inches and 6 pounds something. Still haven't heard all the details but we have Caiden Nathaniel Gouge. Will post pictures if I ever receive one! LOL. So now we're up to 4 girl grandkids and 8 boy grandkids. Then 5 girl great grand kids and 6 boy great grand kids. The girls were starting to catch up. :( LOL Ok here's the Easter pics.
Yeah I know "she looks just like her daddy" blah blah LOL
Getting her 1st egg

Hmm...this has something in it!
Minnie Mouse Easter basket from Aunt Gail

Playing with Tia and Justin :)
Pick me up!
Love this face!

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness, that is crazy!! Glad everything ended up ok for everyone!
