Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Father's Day weekend

I took Addison up to Pigeon Forge to see Angie, John, Dylan, and her nephews Saturday. Of course by the time we got there it was pouring! So me and Addison stopped for a girls only lunch. She is starting to be such a big girl and she has come so far from when she was in the hospital. I cry sometimes at how well she's doing. They had to retake her picture in Gastroenterology because she doesn't even look like the same baby. By the time we got up to Pigeon Forge we drove to Gatlinburg then came back. It was raining so bad and I was having trouble staying awake since I only slept 5 hours and had a fun day the day before. LOL
This was actually a couple days before but it's still from Bub and James' visit (Angie's nephews.)This is Angie's son Dylan and Addison.
Angie took Addison with them to Splash Country when they went last week.
Eating with Mommy in Pigeon Forge
Sunday Addison went to Josh's church with him, Gabe, and Abby so I went to my church with my dad by myself. It was so weird! I'm so glad I didn't miss it tho. My Papaw got up to sing and talked about his 7 grandkids (there's 13 of us so I wanna know who he's forgetting) and then it went down hill from there. I haven't laughed so hard that I cried in a long time. I feel like I can laugh about this right now because he may be 85 years old but he's definately not "old" yet. This has always been how my Papaw has been and I wouldn't want it any other way. Then of course we went to Shoney's afterwards. We even got a semi-nap in and then some baking and watched I Am Number Four. Which is great by the way! I hope everyone else had a wonderful Father's Day as well!
Jonathan had the boys so I'm not sure what all they did. Here's one of the rest of the kids.
Addison went to the doctor Monday and still only weighs 21 pounds. I got her propped up against the wall and just had to add this picture. :) She was mad at me. She hates standing and refuses to walk. If she's not walking by the next appointment we'll be in therapy. Nice... Isn't she so cute tho? :)

Why I'm called blonde...

I guess I have to tell you what happened to me at work Friday. I have recently found out that I have sleep apnea and hypersomnia. I have trouble staying awake during the day at work and especially when I'm driving. And yes, if I get really sleepy when I'm driving...I pull over. Anyways. They gave me a prescription for Nuvigil to take during the day so I stay awake. Wow...LOL. Here's my day: 9:30am I had a chocolate Visalus shake and went ahead and took my Nuvigil pill. 1:30pm I had a chocolate Visalus shake for lunch. During the day I've also been drinking a Mountain Dew. (This is normal for me since I'm trying to find all kinds of ways to stay awake.) Around 3 I started noticing that I was typing alot faster than I usually do and when I would try to make myself slow down I couldn't focus and would mess up a lot. (I already can type around 90wpm so I have no clue how fast I was going.) This is when I noticed I had taken the Nuvigil, 2 CHOCOLATE shakes, and a whole bottle of Mountain Dew! I went to Employee Health because I was starting to get dizzy and getting a headache. No one was in there besides the secretary. So I went to Education (next closest place that I figured had a blood pressure cuff.) I walked in there and they flipped out on me and made me walk to the ER with one of the Nursing Educators. My face was really red from what they said but I'm always like that when I'm hot. I got down to the ER and it was packed! So the lady that's with me starts rambling off to the ER Tech what all I had taken making me sound really bad of course. LOL. The ER Tech started laughing and took me to take my BP and it was 151/82. Which the top number is high but the bottom number is good. I wasn't worried because I knew what I had done already, but I was just wondering what my BP was. Well I'll never worry again at work. Good lord! I got back to my office (no one knew where I was) and told them what happened and of course they all thought it was funny. I ended up leaving work early because I couldn't make myself sit still and I was starting to talk fast. LOL.

Then we had the VBS carnival.

Then we went to the drive in and I actually stayed awake for the entire 2 movies! I never ever do that. I almost always doze off during the 1st and definately during the 2nd. I ended up not going to bed til 3:30 Saturday morning and got right back up at 8am. Note to self: do not take a stimulant drug with that much caffeine EVER again. :)

Vacation Bible School 2011

The kids went to Vacation Bible School 2011 at our church last week. They have food, classes, crafts, and then a carnival at the end of the week. The boys actually enjoyed this (but if you asked them the week before VBS, they were NOT going because it's "boring.") Of course when it came down to it they were calling me at work everyday making sure I was getting off in time to come and get them. Addison got to play in the nursery some with a couple other babies. This is when I actually got to see her climb on stuff for the 1st time.
Drinking her apple juice juice box. Which she didn't squeeze and get all over the place! She had already made a mess tho which is why she has no clothes on here. :)
Climbing on the table in the nursery. Yes, she did that by herself. Several times.
Jacob and Eli fixing to start singing for the concert before the carnival. Don't they look thrilled! :) LOL
Technically Addison's 1st barbie. Someone at church went to a yard sale on the way to church and gave it to her. :) She actually really likes it!
I didn't stay for the carnival. Not a chance. Jonathan had the boys that night so I let him deal with the fire truck slip n slide and the candy and all that good stuff. I had had a little mis happy with some new medicine I had started taking that day and I couldn't even make myself sit thru the service because I couldn't sit still. LOL It was hilarious and I'll save that story for another day. :)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Tennessee Cinderella pageant in Pigeon Forge

Friday and Saturday morning was the Tennessee Cinderella state finals pageant. Since Addison won Miss Photogenic back in the fall/winter here in Knoxville she automatically got to be in this one. Friday night they had a Play Time with the Judges (was exactly what it sounds like.) All the babies in her age group were in a room with a bunch of toys and the judges walked around and talked to all the babies. Here's a pic of play time. (For warning these pics are blurry because no one would sit still!)
This is what she wore to play time.
This is the "gift shop" at the pageant. I spend $28 just for the souvenir book and a pin to hold her number on. Ouch!
Play time with the judges.
The page in the souvenir book with Addison's picture. Of course the only important page in the book! :)
Then after Play Time we had to change clothes and they had a Western party. Me and Stephanie basically just sat there and watched. Not much a 1 year old and 2 year old can do at this really. But she looked cute in her outfit! Mom made her shirt and Karen let her use a horse to go with it. She looked so cute. :)
She wasn't too much of a fan of the hat. She kept trying to take it off.
Here's her $8 pin and her number. Which is was really pretty so I guess $8 wasn't TOO bad.
Zoe Renee at the Western Party. (My friend Stephanie's little girl.) Such a cutie!
This little boy was so cute. He had a little toy gun and was showing off and cheesin so much. LOL
And she's escaping!
Sharing some orange sherbet.
So sleepy after the party that she fell asleep before we even got to the hotel.
Justin and Tia trying to help her chose which dress to wear. LOL
Addison ended up not falling asleep til around 1am Saturday morning. She went swimming after the Western party and I guess she was just too excited about the pageant Saturday morning. Yeah...right! LOL We had to be there at 8:30 Saturday morning and I think we left the hotel at like 8:20. LOL As usual... Here's her casual outfit.
Checkin out the competition. :)
Waiting on the party dress part to start!
Determined to get her shoes off.
I'm #1!!!
Josh said this is the last big pageant she's doing. It was stressful! Like nerve wracking.
Baby races...no not really but they were getting bored. LOL
Addison was being nice and letting her catch up. :) That's a 10 month old by the way. Addison's 13 months old. They looked the same age.
Zoe won 2nd place as well as baby with the most ads sold!
Addison won 3rd place!!! We get to go to Las Vegas if we want for Internationals but it's a little over $800 so that's most likely not gonna happen. But she got a trophy and Josh said she smiled so big when they gave it to her that we should have gave her something shiny at the beginning and she would have done that the whole time. LOL :)
This is why I do these pageants. Yes, they're fun for me but Addison seems to actually enjoy them too and I would like for her to have something when she gets older to show off. If she EVER tells me that she doesn't want to do these anymore, then we're done. And once it gets to where she has to learn a talent, then we're most likely done too because I'd rather her play sports as to be up on stage wearing a skimpy outfit like all the older girls were done. If you could only hear what Josh would say when a kid would get up on stage. (I won't repeat. LOL)
She was so tired afterwards that she fell asleep within minutes of being put in the car and didn't even wake up when we'd stop to shop.
Josh's mom brought up Gabe and Abby and Daddy brought up Jacob and Eli afterwards so we took the kids (all 5 this time) to Splash Country. It was so much fun! They swam and rode and then Sunday morning Addison was so tired! She even took a 2 hour nap with Daddy before bible school last night. She's still catching up from being up til 1am Saturday I think.
By the way, this was what Eli looked like when my dad brought him to me Saturday. I left Friday and he didn't have them but Saturday morning he was covered in poison ivy. It was even near his eye so this time we went to Children's for the boys instead of Addison. And his eye isn't shut, it's that swollen. :(
Overall, another AWESOME weekend!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Waterpark weekend

This past weekend was full of water time. Addison at first doesn't like the cold water but once you get her in it she loves it. Jonathan had the boys camping so I'll get pics of them at the waterparks this up coming weekend (which I'm so excited for by the way!)

Ok first let me tell you that I cleaned my car out (big deal for me) and Addison had to watch. I thought this was cute so I figured I'd let you see it too. LOL (I fell down the garage steps right before I took this so it made me smile again. :( That hurt by the way. lol)

Saturday Josh's mom told me we were going for a picnic with her sister and to be there at 1. Me and Addison got there and there was nobody there. So I was like ummm ok?!? Josh's mom get there around 1:15. Apparently Josh told her that I'm always late so she told me 1 because the picnic started at 2! My family does that to me too!! LOL I was even on time thank you! :) Josh was even later than I was showing up at 1:45 but him and Gabe had a ride...still no excuse. LOL This was at some waterpark area on Emory Rd that had water being shot out of the ground so Addison didn't get into it to much but I got some pics of her swim suit. :)

We went to the Maryville drive-in Saturday night. Harriman...so much better if you go. Maryville is crazy crowded and not so organized in the food area. I didn't take any pics but we saw X-Men: First Class and Pirates of the Caribbean. X-Men was funny. Pirates wasn't bad but I really need to see it in a theatre or at home. Kinda too dark of a movie to watch at a drive-in. They were both good tho.

Sunday we went to Splash Country. Of course Addison didn't like the water at first but she ended up liking it after getting used to the first reaction to ice cold water. The kids and Josh rode a couple water slides while me and Addison watched and entertained people with her dancing. LOL But she liked the lazy river and the kids area. Jacob likes playing with her in the water so next weekend will be awesome with all the kids. I didn't take many pics because we were usually in the water and I'm not posting pics of me or Josh in bathing suits quite yet. LOL Maybe in a couple more pounds I'll do that. :) By the way, Splash Country has these refillable mugs for $24, you can refill them all year for free and for almost nothing at Dollywood too. Very worth it if you happen to go...just sayin.
Sitting down to a snack while the kids are running off energy. Oh and I'm used to wearing the kids out playing and then they all fall asleep in the car on the way home. Yeah...not so much anymore. That don't happen! Like on the way to Florida I swear they only slept for 5 hours (12 hour drive.)
This was this morning while I was getting her ready. I finally got one of her "cheesin" so I had to share. :) (And yes the pillow on my bed is stained thanks to Addison's juice.)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Traci's visit

Yesterday we had a family get-together because Traci came in! We hardly ever get to see her. Her husband, John, is in the military so they live all over the place. I always thought it would be hard to not live near my family but ya know that would actually be kinda fun to get to travel. I think I would love it! And of course when she comes in it always feels like she never left in the 1st place. Our family has always been really close. Her 7 year old actually asked her "did you have to hug all those people every time you saw them when you were little?" LOL Yes, yes we did! :) We had food and talked and looked at Jessica's (another cousin) wedding pics. Before I knew it 10 o'clock came around. I of course had to take pictures. By the time I got there tho the kids had seen so many people that they were so tired so I only got pics of Traci and Rachel. I'll have to catch Haley and Sarah next time. :(
Addison was reaching for baby Caiden.
She finally got to hold him. :)
Me and Rachel. I have a pic just like this with her sister Haley when she was that age. :)
Rachel, Me, and Addison. This was actually kinda hard. Feels like Addison weighs what Rachel weighs and Rachel's 5. LOL
Hello baby Caiden!
Me and Caiden picture didn't work out to well. He was mad.
Me, and Chaycee :) And crackhead Tia. LOL
Me, Traci, and Tia...we were short Jessica and we would have had all the girl grandkids. Yeah out of 12...there's only 4 of us. The rest of the girls are great-grandkids.