Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Vacation Bible School 2011

The kids went to Vacation Bible School 2011 at our church last week. They have food, classes, crafts, and then a carnival at the end of the week. The boys actually enjoyed this (but if you asked them the week before VBS, they were NOT going because it's "boring.") Of course when it came down to it they were calling me at work everyday making sure I was getting off in time to come and get them. Addison got to play in the nursery some with a couple other babies. This is when I actually got to see her climb on stuff for the 1st time.
Drinking her apple juice juice box. Which she didn't squeeze and get all over the place! She had already made a mess tho which is why she has no clothes on here. :)
Climbing on the table in the nursery. Yes, she did that by herself. Several times.
Jacob and Eli fixing to start singing for the concert before the carnival. Don't they look thrilled! :) LOL
Technically Addison's 1st barbie. Someone at church went to a yard sale on the way to church and gave it to her. :) She actually really likes it!
I didn't stay for the carnival. Not a chance. Jonathan had the boys that night so I let him deal with the fire truck slip n slide and the candy and all that good stuff. I had had a little mis happy with some new medicine I had started taking that day and I couldn't even make myself sit thru the service because I couldn't sit still. LOL It was hilarious and I'll save that story for another day. :)

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