Thursday, July 7, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

4th of July weekend was busy! And we even only had 1 of the 5 kids. Imagine if we had all of them!

Friday: Me and Tia rode around for a little while, had some family drama, then Josh and David changed my brakes on my car. Apparently part of my brake pad had fallen off when me and Tia were riding around earlier that day. I knew it wasn't just me! :) As soon as they took off my tire, the other brake pad fell off as well as my caliper and a bunch of brake fluid came shooting out. So my $29 brakes ended up being more like $100 because I had to buy a caliper too. Nice! (I need a rotor now too but everyone was closed before they figured out that part.)

Saturday: I took Addison swimming some and then we went to a cookout at Josh's grandmothers house. I know I did something that morning but for some reason my brain is fried right now.

Sunday: Me, Tia, and Addison went to Karen's to play at the lake for a little bit while Josh was on a ride. Addison loves the lake, Tia...not so much. LOL. Big baby! Then we went to see the fireworks at Grace Baptist. Addison's 1st fireworks I think and she didn't cry or anything. She'll definately be going to Boomsday! Justin and Tia were with us and Addison pooped on Justin. (Just had to share.LOL)

Monday: Cookout at Steve and Robin's with the family. There was even family there that I didn't know from my Papaw's side along with friends. Addison attempted to eat corn on the cob.
Then we went to see Transformers 3 (which was awesome by the way) and rode around for a little while. After all that I was so tired! I'm still having trouble staying awake during the day/sleeping at night. :( But it was the best 4th of July I've had in a long time. Tons of food so I'm sure no weight loss this week. :) But so worth it!

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