Thursday, May 5, 2011

Addison's 1 year check-up

I've posted several post today. You can see them here:
Eli's 2nd grade program
Walking in the park

Addison had her 1 year check up today. She weighs 20 pounds (she lot 11 ounces.) He asked if she was walking since she has lost weight but since she hasn't it's probably because she's not eating as much since she can't eat/drink milk products. She's 28 inches SHORT. :) She was in the 50% on everything but now she's in the 30% for her weight and 20% for her height. She's short but she seems to be doing fine. He said if she's not walking by the next time he sees her then he'll have her evaluated but he said it's probably because she's a "stinker." (His exact words.) LOL Which she is of course.
This is her checking the nurse out when she came in.
She's trying to figure out how to get her bandaid off. LOL

1 comment:

  1. Neither one of my boys were walking at a year old. I think they were both around 14 months. I'm sure Addison will walk soon and that there's no reason to worry. Hope you are able to find some good food for her so you can fatten her up - though she already has adorable, chubby cheeks :)
