Thursday, May 5, 2011

Eli's 2nd grade program

I found out the day before the program that Eli had a Tennessee program at school. Eli's real bad about not sharing what he does at school or what his teacher talks about and so on. And APPARENTLY he's also bad about not bringing papers home from school either. He told me one day "I need money for a field trip." So I asked him when the field trip is. "Today." Nice! The only reason I even found out he had a program was that I saw it on my friend's facebook. (Facebook can sometimes be a life saver and annoying all at the same time.) Anyways...the program. He had to wear an orange shirt and sing "Amazing Grace" and "Rocky Top." Which he did bring the paper home with the words to these songs and I kept asking him why he was having to learn them and his response was always "because my teacher said so." Of course she did! Jeeze! It's like pulling teeth to get anything out of him. So here's some pictures. On the 1st picture I actually circled him so you could see which one he was in the other (crappy) pictures. Jacob took off to the front of the gym with the camera and wouldn't take any pictures. He did so good tho. :) He actually sang and participated and knew most of the words. My little rain man. :) (Long story.)
Now that I put this on here, you can't really see the pink arrow I put on the pic.

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