Monday, May 23, 2011

Busy weekend

This weekend went by way to fast and it was way busy.
Thursday night I had to go in for a sleep study. I had to be there at 9pm and didn't get to leave til around 5pm Friday. (I didn't have sleep apnea so I had to stay for a day study too.) Addison stayed with Daddy for the 1st time without me. She and Daddy of course did fine. I did pretty well too. LOL I had to sleep til 6am with 20 something wires on my head, chest, under my ribs, legs, a pulse oz thing on my finger, and an oxygen tube shoved in my nose. I have a pic but I'm NOT posting it. :) Then Saturday I had to take a 20 minute nap every 2 hours. I had absolutely no problem falling asleep when told to. :) A loooong boring day.

Addison also turned 13 months on Friday. She's crawling really fast, putting everything in her mouth, eating whatever you put in front of her, standing and walking along the furniture but will NOT have anything to do with walking or standing by herself. She gets mad if you try to help her walk or try to make her stand alone. She's ROTTEN!

Saturday was Tia's graduation. I was ready to go and so excited for her. We had Daddy's work picnic immediately afterwards all the way up in Sevierville at the Smokie's Ballpark. So of course we found out we weren't going to make it to Tia's graduation (we had already paid for the picnic.) Luckily, Tia texted needing help getting ready so that gave me a chance to see her before she graduated. By the way, cap and gowns are way over rated and such a pain to try to figure out. LOL Here's the pictures from that...
(Yeah I literally got out of bed and threw clothes on. LOL)
Then we had Daddy's work picnic at the Smokie's Stadium. The boys were with Jonathan so it was just me, Daddy, Blake, Ryan, Addison, Peas(a guy that Daddy used to work with), Cassie, and Cassie's mom. Josh got there when we left. LOL. Addison got passed around all over the place. Everyone thought she was so cute and wanted to watch her dance. (She has a dollar dance.) At one point I came back from the bathroom and she was 4 rows behind us. LOL. Smokie's won, Daddy (Ryan) won 2 prize packs, Addison behaved perfectly for her first ballgame, it was hotter than you know what, blah blah. :) Picture time!
Blake and Addison (and her Braves outfit.) Go Braves! Braves didn't play at all that day BTW. LOL
Cassie and Addison
She loved trying to get my bubble. :)

Then Sunday we had Tia's graduation party. Food, family, friends, and Addison ate her 1st hog dog (which she'll never eat again because apparently it's full of whey so I paid for that ALL day Sunday and this morning.) I finally got to meet the newest (for now) Gouge baby. Caden Nathaniel Gouge. Of course now I realize that I didn't get a single picture, which is not like me. :(

Then me, Amanda, and Addison drove up to try to exchange the Dollywood passes I had got from work...FAIL! It started pouring so we didn't attempt Dollywood and the office on the strip in Pigeon Forge was closed. So attempt #2 is for this weekend. We did stop at the Carter Outlet and the Eddie Bauer outlet tho so that was a success. Addison (and Amanda) doesn't like loud thunderstorms tho. LOL
Guess I could have put that in several different blogs but it was much easier to do it in one big one. :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that was a busy weekend!! Looks like fun though!! :)
